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Today’s NYT Wordle Hints, Answers and Help for Dec. 11, #1271

Looking for the more recent Wordle’s answer? Click here for today’s Wordle suggestionsas well as our daily answers and hints for the New York Times Mini Crossword, Connections and Strands puzzles.

No idea why the New York Times Wordle The game was so hard for me today. I mean, I know the word that was the answer. Sure, I usually think of the fruit that is written in a similar way before I think of this word, but what was my problem? The answer also used my least thought vowel, which always throws me off.

And now, a story. I’m a big fan of The Brady Bunch. When a college friend and I were writing a book about 1970s and 1980s pop culture, that friend gave me four tiny gourd glasses that were actually used in the show. (I broke one, but carefully protect, and occasionally use, the other three.) Why did I mention The Brady Bunch? Because today’s Wordle answer is the last name of one of the Brady kid actors. Need another tip? It’s not “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!”

Also, we have ranked all the letters in the alphabet by popularityIf you want to use this list to decide on your best starting words.

Today’s Wordle suggestions

Before showing today Wordle answer me, we will give you some suggestions. If you don’t want a spoiler, watch it now.

Wordle tip #1: Repetitions

Today’s Wordle answer has no repeated letters.

Wordle tip #2: vowels

There is a vowel in today’s Wordle answer.

Wordle suggestion No. 3: First letter

Today’s Wordle answer begins with the letter P.

Wordle tip #4: Mix-up

Today’s Wordle answer is often confused with a fruit, but the two words are spelled differently.

Wordle tip #5: Meaning

Today’s Wordle answer may refer to a verb meaning to measure depth.


Today’s Wordle answer is PLUMB.

Wordle’s answer from yesterday

Yesterday’s Wordle answer, December 10, #1270, was PATIO.

Recent Wordle Answers

December 6, 1266: SHOVE

December 7, 1267: HILL

December 8, 1268: HYENA

December 9, 1269: FLUNG

2024-12-11 04:00:06

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