General AI News

Trump Admin Hydropower contradicts the split that accelerated the danger of grid stability

This month, the Trump Administration established a deduction of federal agencies in charge of power from the hydroelectric demo, in which the danger of grid instability in key data center markets. The latest splashes have been reduced between 13% and 20% of the workforce of the four power marketing administration, which affects everyone from the linemen to the teams that provide direct power based on a minute-minute.

But after criticizing legislators and customers, the Trump administration has repeated at least some employees, according to Report E and e in the news.

The four power marketing administration sells and transmits hydro power from the Bonaville Dam in the Pacific Northwest, including the Hoover Dam in the South -West, including the Hoover Dam. These demo – and agencies that they make overseeing the sale and distribution of power – supply electricity Millions of houses Around 34 states.

Agencies are funded by the sale of electricity and the U.S. Does not depend on money from the treasury.,799

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