Twitter User Requirements Twitter Trainingview for 5 years for 5 years

Update: reservation said He claims that the shortcomings are not clear that the Twitter user is considered a broken weapon all day long.
Popular diagram analysis of the service coin Technical analysis Tweets according to Tweet, Ellogt Olive Cryptetic Cryptetic published On June 13.
The Elliott Wave Principle – a type of technical analysis to consider these repeat samples and forecast prices in financial markets.
In the video it loaded For YouTube, analyst weapons are reviewed in lotarithmic diagrams, which is a serious issue for traders of Elliot waves. In the back of the skill, the company’s official twitter account, publication This issue is being investigated, the crypantite is there:
“Thank you @ Tapting Finally to take this problem seriously. “
The first news of a bug announced five years ago (November 2014), the company entered the gallery of a platform platform. Another report on the same platform, issued on June 3, 2017, saw the official responsibilities of official traffic:
“Hi, you are right, we have a scheduled task to correct it. Thanks for taking this in our attention.”
However, the problem is not yet resolved. CryptovenyBear Claims The company spoke to him asking him to ask him to prefer to decree to him.
As a recent goal reportedTradingview is one platforms with “Cix100” index and tokens of tokens.
At the beginning of the current month, Cryptouorcyizh Analytics Company coins published It plans to receive digital active activation indexin and enter Crypto Smart Beta individes.
Due to the press time, not responding to the request for comment on the list.
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