Business News

UBS follows the Deutsche bank from the flag staff to remotely work on Friday and Monday

The giant swiss giant resisted the following remote work hawks such as JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs, who sent a full return to the office. Ha, however, caught a leaf out of the approach of another rival.

In an internal memo circulated on Thursday, first reported by FightsUBS said that staff should be asked to work from the office at least three days a week. Also, the bank told their 115,000 dependents that may never work from home on a Friday followed by a consecutive Monday.

“Our job approach is official-centric with flexibility are in the officer at the office with innovation innovation, collaborate, and the team product,” a shooting the spokespae said Fortune. I am

Approach is similar to that of Deutsche bank last year, that, in the call staff back to the office, pulled a new line in the sand from the remote friday and monday.

Many workers operating under a hybrid pattern to enter the office between Tuesday and Thurs, working on her Monday and Friday remotely. Friday especially they decided popular between the two heads and employees such as the remote day of choice.

The falcon’s voices in the remote debate vs. Your tendency has created a lower productivity habit around the weekend the employees are on Saturday on Tuesday. Manchester United Co-property Jim Ratcliffe ordered their staff at the office The time full-time last year when performed the enforcement e-mail activity on Friday when most employees were remote.

A problem problem as UBS are happiest for address is space. Many empty office firms in May in Covid-19 to cut costs when remote work seemed a permanent solution.

UBS is not different. In London, the firm has considered the staff in his broadging the space of the remote of the golden in 1 golden in 1 golden in 1 golden has also bounded by A movement to choose between a Monday and Friday should regulate assistance through the week.

The companies were left frustrated by thousand square meters of the office space travels in the most unpopular mondays and friday.

Moving UBS to balance work that works a week is understood to be a move to best manage their office space. Deutsche gave the same reasoning the same year, with CEO Christian Sewing saying the uniform uniform uniform uniform uniform uniform uniform uniform uniform. “

The latest police introduced by owed abs much liberals than group concursion in the bank sector, the most beautiful jpmorgan. The group sent a summary of rto full that started in March. Already, however the staff has complained About inadequate space, wi-fi wi-fi, and disabled.

This story has been initially submitted,600

2025-03-14 18:13:00

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