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UK reform is said to land more than $ 1 million in poponal shipping of strength

Pupil Party Pupil, reforms the public and was expected to bring more of $ 125 million to a Glitzy Founder, an official party, a party that six months was on the thick of the policy.

The great bath, the American style event was the main fundamental since the nigl has taken as a party’s head and their ideological, Donald J. Trump, has made to the house white.

Mr. Farage wants Remake the British conservatism, as soon as Mr. Trump has in the United States. Has taxed movement to the right with a national platform that is anti-immigreng and amici.

For a party that raised less than $ 200,000 in whole 2023, turn from the layer of Farage became his head on his head last year was noticeable. Corda a popular wave that was to feel from Germany to France to Washington, Mr. Farage catapulted his party on a political side to a political force.

Mr. Farage has come to Oswald’sAn exclusive club-only clubs in the Mayfair of London Mayfair and Tuesday and mad at the drizzle, past a reporters of journalists. Oswald’s is owned by Robin Birley, a reform teacher.

The Duke of Marlborough, Charles James Spencer-Charchill, Following, Following you back on behind. Banking, that the Baby Station Bank, also attended, as he had ladies Hervey and Holly Valancies and Cancel PEFTER TESTORACH OF THE REFORMY POOKS.

A senior officer said that the reforms sold by 90 tickets between £ 10,000 and 25,000 apice. That would have lifted well over £ 1 million ($ 1.25 million) for the party. The party’s officer left on the condition of anonymity because it was not authorized to discuss preliminary accounting.

Found Found Fairly Billion Billion Candy, didn’t enroll for the Party Poli is ounce of Mr. Donation of Mr. Mongul Elon MUSK discussed with money donation , Mr. Failage he said. I am

Unlike the US, there are no limits on political donutions in Britain. (Political, however, hat.) As they spread a donation convented by the s. Farmers of farmers resembled the caving idea in campaign of campaign.

Reform has won a five-seat record on the Parliament (Mr. Faeage winner after the seven failed attempts) and 14 percent of the vote in the national election of last year. Today, the party is polling ahead of conservatives and close the gap with the governing work match.

In spite of the vote gain and a sudden flaux of money, the reform has a steep foundation hill to climb. The work climbed around 30 million and the 48 million ters in 2023, the last whole year for which data is available.

Mr. Faeage has built his political career around the upright in the European Union and Immigration, helping lead the ball vote. While poll Shows most Britons believe he left the European Union was a mistake, that feeling has not harmed the state of Mr. Faeage.

Its fortunes look set is galvanized by the victory of the Lord Trump. Reforms claims To be the fastest of growing Britain, exceeding conservatives with almost 187,000 supporters who pay the volunteer membership fees.

Mr. Trump and Mr. Farage were Allies long. Mr. Cold Heraled urged Mr. election The summer, and the lord of fury was on his side to the mar-a-lake house in the election house.

Many of the pledge of the keys of the repressing repression in its 2024 manifest, oa policy platform, echo Mr. Trump’s action during their first days in office. I am

The requested reform to abandon the weather target of the climate of the energy sector toward the oil and gas. The party wants to cut the rates, “government’s government” and increase the imbay. And he wants scrap diversity, the initiatives of equity and inclusion.

As Mr. Trump, Mr. Farage Rallies against “Wake up” and “surrounding of transgender”.

One of the most ambitious memories are to eliminate the listings of national health and injected £ 17 billion – nearly three times.

But the Institute of Tax Study, Independent Research Group, said the General Reform Report and Reform “Don’t add” and it will cost billions more than stated.

Last week, Mr. Farage Herald returns the Lord Trump in power as “the largest removal” and “joy to see”. Republicans, he wrote in a telegraph columnhave “discovered a new definition completely about the conservatism.”

“Popularness was the winner in recent elections in America,” wrote. “Who says he couldn’t be the same in the UK, too?”

2025-01-29 00:31:00

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