US End finish Rayver Stipons for Iraq to buy electricity from Iran | Energace news

Iraq makes the worst of the power of power after the US waivers attached to the gentleman import and iranian electric.
The US has finished a Sanctions Raiver who allowed Iraq to buy electricity By Iran Vicinity, online with US Donald Trump’s politics “the maximum pressure” on Tehran.
In a statement clearance, St. the United States parartment said state in the Need Priminary – “We are not sure not economic reeling Iranium”.
Such a waived was introduced in 2018, when Washington Reimposing Sanctions on Tehran After Trump left a nuclear affair with Iran negotiated under the US president of the US president. Then, Trump has set to run out of US sanctions on any other country that purchases the Iran oil. Waiver was extended to Iraq as “Partner Key” of the United States.
Since you go back to the White House to a second terms in the US President in January, Trump has forwarded their “maximum pressure policy”
“The maximum pressure campaign is concealed to complete the nuclear threat of the dancing missile program, and arrest terrorists,” a portion for the dull pocket prior to Baghdad. The caravo is organed Baghdad “to delete their dependency on the Iranian sources of energy soon.”
That will not be an easy task. In spite of his oil and gas weighs, the Iraq has a decree of declines of buildear by the Important Iranian gas and has become the imported alien straight by the extort of the extort.
Three the glasses officials talking to the alrratory hysterities. They are imported business by the user that will provoke a significant problem to meet the domestic consumption. Many Iraq have to trust Diesel or suffering from temperatures that exceed 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit) during the summer months.
The waiver that has been falls applied to the imports of direct electricity. It remains it is clear if Iraq may continue to import gas from Iran for their energy plants.
The American Embassy stated that electricity import from the Iran were only four percent of Electrical Electrical consumption.
But a palm of eraq, Ahmad mouse, he said maybe matter too, that
Already told me, Iranian gas had revolst to Baghdad plants and the Central Erulé region for the last two months, and the supply of the southern plants were unstable.
An anical officer in the electrical ministry told Print associated that the Ministry had not yet have an official edition of Americically inrigient.
A ‘bully’
The US administration’s decision to remove the waiver comes two days later Trump said he had written a letter To iran leadership they try to start paradels on a nuclear affairs. The Chairman of the UPTAIN of possible military actions if Iran has not given.
Iran supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khadieni snaped Back, saying that the country does not negotiate with a “bully” interested in the imponent conditions rather than departure of negotiations.
Always, the Iranian mission in Suggested Tehheran Sunday could be willing to discuss some problems – but not the full end of their nuclear program.
“If the objective of the negotiations is to address Vis-A-Voy’s concerts that the nuclear program of Iran, such discussions can be subjected to the consideration,” he said a mission statement.
“However, it should be the purpose of the Iran’s Iran’s dismantality failed that Obama failed that it has now been delivered, such negotiations have no negotiations.”
The Nuclear 2015 Agreement has helped negotiate between Tehran Promise Promises of Sanctions of Sanctions Promised on the Iran curbing their nuclear program.
Tehran, that I refuse to seek nuclear weapons, initially adherent to the nuclear treat after the trump pulled by him but then rolled out. US officials estimate the Iran would now need simple weeks to build a nuclear bomb if you have chosen.
2025-03-09 23:36:00