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Used Meta AI to edit a selfie, now instagram uses my face in ads targeted at me. : ABoringDystopia

1. Off-Topic Posts: This subreddit is a place for gathering anything related to Mark Fisher’s concept of A Boring Dystopia; In other words, the global horror of late-stage capitalism that we are forced to adapt to. Off-topic posts will be removed and bans may be issued.

This rule can be temporarily suspended if there is a one-sided media environment about anything dystopian.

2. Reposts: If a post has been submitted or displayed on the front page of this subreddit in the last 14 days, it will be removed and result in a possible ban. Common reposts can also be removed.

3. Conversation Etiquette: The goal of this subreddit is to facilitate an environment where people feel comfortable and comfortable talking and discussing. Deliberate attempts to disrupt this environment will result in banning and comment removal.


– name calling; can be simple insults or online buzzwords, for example “bootlicker” or “tankie”

-arguing in bad faith, using logical fallacies, derailing the discussion, etc.

4. Promoting violence: Promoting violence is against Reddit’s site-wide rules. Violations may result in a temporary ban, with a permaban for repeat or serious offenses. This rule includes thin threats, or slogans like “Eat the Rich”.

5. No Low-Quality Content: Video clips, memes, webcomics, text images, and other low-quality content will be removed and bans may be issued. This rule can be temporarily suspended if there is a one-sided media environment about anything dystopian.

This rule also applies to extreme topics, including but not limited to: Medical bills, mass shootings, police violence, high price tags, charity/activism, partisan political discourse, etc. .

6. No Low-Quality Ads: Some types of ads or products fit the theme of the sub, but we reserve the right to remove any post deemed helpful to ad campaigners.

Allowed examples of ad posts include: Ad placement is unusual / invasive / dangerous; The described product is related to the sub (if it is an art concept, it should be flaired “Art”); The language or intent of the ad relates to sub.

Excessive examples will be removed and restrictions can be issued for topics such as: diabetic strips for money, army recruitment, targeted advertising, etc.

7. No Social Media Content: Mark Fisher is against “recirculating ‘content’ and sending links, which keeps people inside what (he) calls capitalist cyberspace instead of looking outside their own environment” .

For this, any screenshots or social media links will be removed and bans may be issued. This includes Reddit, Twitter, TikTok, etc. unless you get modmail’s permission first.

8. False information: Bans may be issued for intentionally spreading false information in either posts or comments. News submissions must contain a source link. Satire should be “Satire”, and art concepts should be “Art”. If you are making a highly debated claim, provide reliable sources in your comments.

9. Site-Wide Rules: Bans may be issued for any other violation of Reddit’s Terms of Service site-wide, including but not limited to: promoting hate or hateful organizations, prohibiting avoidance , brigading, or other community interference.








r/union unity


2025-01-06 20:44:00

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