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Violent classics between Syria’s government, Lealists Lealists left hundred deads. That’s what you know

Hundreds of people have been killed in Syria more than four days after a violent election between the military and loyalists bashar al-Assad turmed.

What began as a hairstyle patrol for syriin security patrol for havoc carried to many cities and city on the coast.

The attack has disappeared the worst of Syria violence has seen since the end of 13 years of conflict in a group of hyat group, or HTS.

This is what we know till the attacks and where things are in the region.

How’s the violence been erupt?

Violence has exploited on ThursdayAfter a surprise attraction from amatic pistol on a portrait to the port city of labacy that disappeared in surprise region in the Costi.

The attack – they looked to be coordinated – were a challenge to the new government in Damascus, because Anticlets are now in the fail to be in after 50s under the deed dynasty.

In his ambush, the Pro-along combat has replaced government security forces took control of the quunahaThe hometown of the Assad, as deleted Damask to bring and reinforce.

The majority of the population in the coastal city are members of the President Attempt, a Shia Islam offshoot.

A point of nursing to bullet holes in a window.
A nursing point to bullet holes in a window in a hospital in the city of Jabyh, in the coastal region of Syria, Monday. (Omar Albam / Press associated)

Alawitt Come in the assad’s coal constitution in the Country of Assad in the Country of Suti-Majority, the Grace Community on Jealance, in the emptiness of their opponents. But many Alabs said that saves as others Syriani under the reign to the assad and father, CAPEE ALSUADIS.

Report of eyes and the Custom region videos showed houses in many neighborhoods and bodies of the fire and the corrects. Many residents said they were too afraid to leave their homes.

The government embarrassed to the versal cities, including lakian, which is to sea and blableman and jabylum, because of a deadly assault and predicted of the attached regime.

Monday, government said he had ended his military operation In licking and tart.



Who was intended?

In spite of the authority that they call at the end of the separation incit, the rocks turned mortal, and several civilians were killed.

Between Thursday and Monday, about 803 people were killed, by the lakia, tatus and hama, according to the Last figures from the senn.

The arnate said cbc News in a statement that 172 security members, police and forces were killed by the murder combathers. At least the maximum civil, including a workermanitory, they were achieved in direct guns from these pro-assured groups.

CBC news could not check independent these numbers.

Brusk cars in the middle of a road.
Brushed cars are in the middle of a monday road in the city of JabAh. (Omar Albam / Press associated)

In the meantime, the armed forces – compound military, local residence and foreigners and strangers, they, they, they, they, they, “49 sons, then according to SNhr.

The network said victims were killed in the following zones:

  • The boss governor: 185 the kill, including 15 children, 11 women and two medicine personin.
  • Governor Hama: 49 Killed, including 15 children, 10 women and a medical worker.
  • Tarts Governor: 183 Killed, including nine children, 28 Women and 24 Medical Personal.
  • Govener Homs: 3 killed.

“DGARED TO MEMBERS WERE TO KEEP THE REGIME ASSADEDIASAIALLY CALLINFT, how many of you were dressed in civilian clothes,” organization told her.

The SNh also notice that his attentents shrunk “death fatalities between the fiatolists of the attachment between the assets of the assets?” As such dying are not classified as violation. “

CBC verification team has checked a video posted on Saturday Siri Siri, in the telegrammation in public security to civilian people in the civilian clothes. Five bodies of the kill people have been demonstrated on videos.

The human rights office they said Tuesday are all families, including Women and children, have been killed As part of a series of sectaries for the exercise against an insurgency from faithful assumption.

The Interim President of Syria Ahmed Al-Sharaa.
The interim interim of Syria Ahmed Al-Sharaa attends an interview on Monday with re-re-handed climbing in Damascus. (Khalil Ashawi / Reuters)

How did you answer the new government?

The MINISTRY MINISTRA WOMEN HASSAN AVANY HASANS said that security forces that have restored the region check and will continue to the pursuit of the gallvanisable insurgency.

Four people have been arrested Tuesday displays a living violification illegally against the region, according to the State of the State of the Healthy Syria.

Monday, Sharaa said to Reuters, where it could explain if the forces from Syria’s Syria – they have a species of rebel of rebellation under the caption of the seventh.

“Seria is a law of law. The law will take their course in all,” he told the reuters in an interview.

“We embrace to defend the oppression, and do not accept any blood is born without inserting, or vite without planting or in the nearest.”

Pro-Assad Pro-Assad Pro-Assad Groups by foreigners to engage the bloody but recognized that revenge killer has been followed.

Watch? Hundreds in Syria killed in dead matches:

More than 1,000 civilly stated killed as violence in the Sparriers of Syria

The interim of the interim of the vigils of Syria to civilians among the security forces and those who remain loyal to the president of the sirium. The ex of the assess’s army personnel have been performed coordinate and ambarine attacks since thursday.

The committee of facts if you are investigating duty of security said that you are looking for arrest and pursuit of any adpetrators involved.

“Nobo is over law, the consatted all results that the pressure, the presidency, and the judgment,” the subject, “the comity in the news of the news is TEAM.

The committee was ready beyond the testimonies to interview and suit the conpectores and they referred to them with suffering evidence against them in judiciary, faran addition.

A man stops a pod in front of the Syrian flag.
Yaser Farhan, Spokedspier of Syrial Investigation to investigate violence in the Cairy Coast you have a conference conference television. (Khalil Ashawi / Reuters)

What happened since?

Many claims have kept in Syria, after the obslaht of the violence.

“One, one, one. The syrian people are one,” Demonstroes by videos from Labia Labrazia in the region and protection from offered violence.

Syria’s countryside share a statement on Instagram Tuesday after events.

“Our hearts break all families that if you were loving a (the) Horifies of Horifies,” state you are still their lovers while others are flew in fear.

“Indifference equals complicity. Talk against these atrocities and request of the question and justice for everyone,” the statement said.

A woman holds a placard that you read 'the blood of a syrion in (another) syrian is prohibited,' in Arabic.
A woman attempts a painter reading the platicle of a blood on one (another) if you banned and people of the damask buckets. (Khalil Ashawi / Reuters)

Since the assad was oured, sharaa has engaged to handle Syria in an inclusive way.

While lots of liries believed to have been aware of the assuci, who included many military burquiries and officials have continued for the unit between the interim’s flights

Refugee’s agitate said in a statement that 6.078 Syrians came into several province of the book after flow in the Syria coastal area.!/cpImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_1180/syria-cycle-of-revenge.jpg?im=Resize%3D620

2025-03-11 20:59:00

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