Volume-Lookup / Olnerability-Shoverup: Vagual-lookup-facing quickly corcelability to prompts of weaknesses, and streamrin to handle coordinated degradation of the cordrability coordinated vulnerability (CVD).

Verbal-lookup is facilitating quick pleasures from different sources, which are independent of anticipated ids, and streamrines the management of coordinated coordinated coordinated to coordinated to coordinated Husrability (CVD). Violation-lookup is also a constrained platform in which users can comment on security advices and make bonds.
A chance to look-looking in round
are available to https://vulneability.circl.lu.
- advertise the: A comprehensive and fast lookup API for finding vulnerabilities and identifying correlations by identifying vulnerability.
- Interistant: Modular system to import vulnerals from different sources.
- CVD process: Creature, edition and fork / copy of security advices with Vulnogram Editor. Local support is easy to vulnerable every single time load-lookup.
- Scenery: Users tend to add observations to vulnerability to different types of scenes, such as:
FOUND,, benefit,, was not exploited,, Confirmed,, cannot confirm,, PUBLISHEDand not patched. - Comments: Ability to add, review and share comments on vulnerable advals.
- round: It is possible to create bonds in the disadvantages of a description.
- RSS / Atoms: A wide range of RSS and Atom Support for vulnerabilities and comments.
- Epss: Join the exploitation system.
The official documentation is available HERE.
- The Cisa is known exploited DB vulnerability (via HTTP).
- NIST NVD CVE IMPORT (via API 2.0), Fraunhofer fkie Nhs.
- CVEProject – Crebist (through Git Submodule repository).
- Cloud Security Alliance – GSD-Database (through Git Submodule repository).
- Kamahir Advisory Database (through Git Submodule repository).
- PYSEC Advisory Database (through Git Submodule repository).
- Open playable package (through Git Surmodule repository)
- Additional sources by CSAF including Cert-Bund, Cisco, Cisco, NozominectWorks, Open-XChed, Soud, Siemens, NCSC-NL, Microsoft.
- athlete IOT Dacrerimunes database.
- Jvn ipepiaJapan’s database in vulnerability to opponent information.
- Ikogsecle Security bulletins.
- Kan-uta (Typically enumeration of character) and Capec (Common Ensumeration of Attack and Classification Status)
Violation-lookup facilitates recording views of vulnerability, no matter what they have been published in a source. A suite of perspective views can be used to support this function:
If you want to make your own exploration tool, it is recommended to use PyvulnebilitylochoA Python library to access vulnerability-lookup by resting on the API.
Instructions to install available in documentation.
Ownerability-lookup free software released under “GNU Affero General License in Public V3.0”.
Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (CIRCL)
Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Alexandre Dulaunoy - https://github.com/adulau
Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Raphaël Vinot - https://github.com/Rafiot
Copyright (c) 2024-2025 Cédric Bonhomme - https://github.com/cedricbonhomme
2025-02-03 09:55:00