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VXFEMBTOY / Purrcrypt: A fur-outly secure tool encryption encodes your secrets like beautiful cat and dog sound curve.

The fur-outly safe, the paw-toithly attractive!

the Purr-fect way to keep your secrets feathers-ver safe, straight from meow– on your computer with your feathers-Inds’ paws!

Purrcrypt Banner Meow Rating Bohs Factor

Purrcrypt Demo


Purrcrypt is real crypptography in a loose hiding! Your messages are protected by the same elliptic curve algorithms used by bitcoin, wrapped in attractive cats and dog sounds. Purity doesn’t have to compromise security!

What is this good thing? 🐾

Purrcrypt is what happens when a grave cryptographer is disrupted by cat videos for 48 hours straight! This is a super-powerful encryption tool that hides your secrets in the most attractive way – by making them with kitty and spoke!

Under the fluffy exterior, Purrcrypt uses the same elliptic curve cryptography (meow-The.) As bitcoin. But instead of fun code, your secrets are like written by a cat walking across your keyboard … on purpose! 😸

“Finally, my keyboard stomping is recognized as a valid form of communication!” – Your cat, probably


While Purrcrypt messages are like nonesensical pet sounds, contains strapped data secure data that can only be decrypted with correct keys. There is no amount of treatment convincing these pets to reveal your secrets!

How to Use This Burry Little Tool 🧶

Installation (get your feet on it)

# Clone this ball of yarn
git clone

# Pounce into the directory
cd purrcrypt

# Install it like you'd install a new cat tree
cargo install --path .


For the best experience, try to say “meow” or “wof” loudly while your encryption is running. It doesn’t affect the algorithm at all, but it makes you feel more connected to the process! 🐱

Start (or “How to stop chasing your tail”)

  1. Create a keypair (Aka make your secret paw paw):

    It’s like getting your pet, but for your messages!

  2. Import the key to your friend (Teaching your pet friendly):

    purr import-key --public ~/Downloads/

    Now your computer knows what friends trust!

  3. List your keys (Check out who is in your pack / clowder):

    It’s like looking at your pet contact list, if there are pets tunes!

  4. Choose your personal selection:

    purr set-dialect cat   # For the feline-inclined
    # or
    purr set-dialect dog   # For the canine-convinced

    Endless Debate: Are you a guy or a dog person? Now your encryption can match your pet’s desired!


Just as real pets, your private keys need proper protection! Keep your private key files safely while your cat keeps the favorite napping area. If someone else gets your private key, they can read all your secret messages, and that’s a cat-astrophe!

Encrypt files (wrapped your feather secrets)

Send a secret to your bold friend:

purr encrypt --recipient mr_whiskers --input secret_catnip_stash_locations.pdf --dialect cat

It creates secret_catnip_stash_locations.pdf.purr that looks like a cat is written with a specified meowing pattern!

“This message will never doubt. Normal cat talk. No secrets. Meow.” – Undercover agent spokes


Even with the cat / dog encoding, don’t put your keys to encrypt your collar tag! Purrcrypt is designed to hide the fact that you sent encrypted data, but once someone you used, they will recognize the bad structures “bets” and “stakes” are what they really are!

Decrypting File (Hairballs cannot be blocked)

When your fuzzy buddy sends you a secret:

purr decrypt --key fluffy --input suspicious_dog_noises.purr --output true_meaning_of_bork.txt

📜 The complete guidance of pet orders

purr - Because "woof" and "meow" are actually secret codes!

    purr (COMMAND) (OPTIONS)

    genkey (name)                   Create your pet's digital paw print
    import-key (--public)  Add a furry friend to your trusted circle
    encrypt, -e                     Turn your boring text into pet speak
    decrypt, -d                     Translate pet speak back to human
    list-keys, -k                   See all the pets in your digital neighborhood
    set-dialect            Decide if you're team 😺 or team 🐶
    verbose, -v                     Make it extra chatty (like a Siamese cat)

Options for encrypt:
    -r, --recipient            Which pet friend gets the message
    -o, --output              Where to leave this furry message
    -i, --input               The boring human file to convert
    --dialect              Temporary species switch

Options for decrypt:
    -k, --key                  Your pet identity
    -o, --output              Where to put the decoded human-speak
    -i, --input               The furry message to translate


Can’t remember a command? Just think: “What do my cat / dog do?” For example, to generate a key, imagine your cat that makes its score (Genkey), or to encrypt a file, think of your dog hiding its favorite bone (encrypt)!

How’s this burry magic work? 🔮

The shocked case of cryptographic cats and canins in caphering

Purrcrypt acts on the principle of science that everything is better with cats and dogs:

  1. Layer 1: Serious business 🧐

    • Hardcore math encryption to make your high school math teacher
    • The same elliptic curves used in bitcoin (but a lot of cuter)
    • So safe even though NSA just tell “awww” and leave alone
  2. Layer 2: The Fluffy Disuise 🦮🐈

    • Your secured data worn by a pet costume
    • To anyone else, it looks like you love your pets
    • “It’s not encrypted data, official! I really like to type in ‘Mew Purr Nyaa’ 800 times!”


As we joked how cute it’s all, Purrcrypt uses real cryptographic principles! The secp256k1 elliptic curve provides powerful security, and the actual encoding encoding helps hide the fact that you send the encrypted content. Security through adaprility is still security!

Sneaky Science of Pet-Say Patterns

If your cat is running on your keyboard, it annoys. If Purrcrypt did this, this encryption!

🐱 Cat mode vocabulary:

  • “Mew” (for if your cat is not rot)
  • “Meow” (Standard Cat Operations)
  • “Purr” (Encryption of Satisfaction)
  • “He” (for loving cats)
  • “MRRP” (the sound secretly describes world rule)

🐶 Dog Mode Dictionary:

  • “Woof” (Main Dog Communication)
  • “Bark” (for if emphasis is required)
  • “ARF” (Covert ship)
  • “yip” (small dog, big secrets)
  • “Wrf” (the confused but supported dog sound)

“People think that this I declare my excitement for treatments, but I actually move nuclear launch codes.” – Classified Dog Operative

Bit-by-Bill Breakdown (or: How many “r” s mean nuclear launch?)

Each response letter of the animal is actually encoding your bitches and bytes:

  1. on Cat Speakthe word mmmeeeowww can explain:

    • mmm = First 2 bits 10 (Binary for Decimal 2)
    • eee = Next 2 bits 10 (another 2)
    • o = Next Bit 0
    • www = Last small 1

    So the cute CAT sound is just encoded binary 101001!

  2. on Speak the dog,, bbbaaarrkk translated to the same amount:

    • Those not just excited puppets – they have encryption!


Returning patterns are well made! In complex patterns, each character group encodes different bits, while in special patterns (such as Meow), the number of each letter accurate positions of encrypted data.

What do your secret messages (pet editions) look like

Cat mode (if you are screencive):

mew purrrr nyaaa meoww purr nyaa meeww purrr nya meww meow purrrr 
nyaa meow purr nya meow purrr nyaaa mew purr mrrp purrrr nyaa

Just as you allow your cat to write your emails!

Dog Mode (for Canine Confiracies):

woof bark arff yipp woooof baark arfff wooof barkkk arff woooof 
barkk arff woof bark yippp wooof barkkk arfff yipp wooof barkk

Now you know exactly what dogs bark overnight!


If you see your real PET typing messages like this, stay calm! Anyone: 1) You discovered the first cat / dog type (Greeting!), Or 2) Your pet is recruited with a secret intelligence agency. Wherever, they will treat further respect and treat.

Why Purrcrypt is Meow & The Bollocks on the dog

  • Mid-midable security: NSA requires 9 lives to crack it
  • Paw-elaps of the decible: “That’s not the encryption, I really like typing like my pet!”
  • Social Engineering: Who will doubt the attractive pets of pet-hidden data?
  • Protection of identification: Are you a sophisticated spy or another person? No one knows!
  • Corresponding cross-species: Works for the same cat and dog people (in the end, peace of our time)

For serious developers (Boororing! 🙀)

If you forced all the professionals about it (Why though?), How to use it as a library:

use purrcrypt::{AnimalCipher, CipherDialect, CipherMode, crypto};

// Create a keypair (much less fun than just typing 'genkey fluffybutt')
let keypair = KeyPair::new();

// Do serious encryption stuff with silly outputs
    CipherDialect::Cat // or Dog if you're THAT kind of person


For more fun with your code, use the variable names top_secret_hairball,, encryption_treatsor security_scratchpost. They have no effect on functionality but make your code review more fun!

Actual testimonies from satisfied users

“Meow meow meow purr meow” – G. WhiskersChief Security Officer in WH WHYERSTOFT Inc.

“Bark Bark Wof Arf Bark” – BuddySpecialized in defense of data in goodboy securities

“This encryption is so cute I almost forgot to protect me from monitoring the government!” – Anonymous man

“I can send my grocery list without the dogs to the next door knowing I’m not treating!” – Cat Lady # 427


Purrcrypt May Cause Side Effects including: Making adorable noises while typing, increased appreciation for your pets, sudden desires to encrypt everything, and unexplained urges to meow or bark at your computer. These symptoms are harmless and can improve your overall quality of life.

Licensed under MIT, because even cats and dogs believe in open-source software!

“In a world of frightening encryption, a cat walking on a keyboard.” 🐾

Matan -re: No actual cats or dogs are forced to type encryption keys to make this software. They will wait very enthusiastic for being treated.

2025-03-06 23:47:00

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