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Wack0 / Entii-for-WorkCubes: PowerPC Windows NT ported at Nintendo Gamecube / Wii / Wii u

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The following systems are supported:

  • Nintendo Gamecube
  • Nintendo Wii
    • Wii Mini requires SD card card hardmod (for now)
  • Nintendo wii u (vwii only for today)

The following systems are supported in theory, even if not tested due to the honor of such hardware:

  • Broadway Evaluation Board
  • CUT

The following systems will never be supported:

  • Early Dolphin Development Hardware with 4MB available RAM
  • Flipper Contrary Controller (in Ex)
  • Flipper Video Interface Console Frameluffer (YUV XFB) for Arc Firmware and EX
  • Flipper GPU RGB Framebuffer Under NT (EFB Write Setup Texture, Texture Belotation Under GDI; XFB to VBLANK in VBLANK
  • Flipper Serial Interface (Gamecube Controller Ports), Supporting Next Devices:
    • Gamecube ASCII Keyboard Controller, additional uncontrollable English / European Viniants (discovered by revealing phantasy star online); The last was completely shortly, the first was not tested by real hardware
    • GameCube controller, with the following maps:
      • Under the ARC firmware: No Analog Maps and D-Pad Map / Arrival, a map button to escape, button maps to escape, X button maps in the letter ‘
      • Under the NT Text Setup: Left Analog Maps and D-Pads in UP / Dow, C-Stick Maps in the buttons ‘C’ button on the letter ‘C’, Z button button
      • Less than NT GDI: The left analog stick moves the mouse, a mouse maps button, the mouse buttons in Ctrl + Alt + 0, AZ button confirming the selected scancode. Numbers are the first of the listing so text numbers only number (like entering the key key).
    • The N64 Randnet keyboard, completely unspoken to have issues
    • The N64 Mouse (under NT only), totally uncontrollable to have issues
    • The N64 Controller (completely uncontrollable to have issues), with the following maps:
      • Under the ARC firmware: No Analog Maps and D-Pad Map / Down, a button map enter, button maps to escape,
      • Under the NT Text Setup: The left analog maps and D-Pad on UP / Down, C-stick Maps to post maps to post ‘C’ buttons
      • Under NT GDI: Left Analog Stick Moves Mouse, a Button Maps to Left Mouse Button, L + R Together Maps to Ctrl + Alt + Del, C-Down and C-Up Allows for Choosing A Keyboard Scancode (1-9, 0, AZ), Start Button confirms the selected scancode. Numbers are the first of the listing so text numbers only number (like entering the key key).
  • Flipper External interface (SPI bus), supporting the following devices:
    • Rt
    • USB Gecko (for Kernel Debugger only)
    • SD Gecko or compatible
    • Ide-eri or compatible (not already tested by real hardware)
  • Vegas IOP IPC
  • Vegas SDMC Controller (via iOS)
  • Vegas USB (OHCI / EHCI) Controller (via iOS), supporting the following devices:
    • USB keyboard
    • USB Mouse
    • USB Mass Storage (currently has few issues, some devices may not work)
    • HotPlugging USB device is not supported. To use a USB device, it must be plugged in before the Arc firmware will be launched.

NT 3.51 RTM and higher. NT 3.51 Betas (Build 944 and below) will require de-cernel patches to run due to processor detective bugs. NT 3.5 never matches, because PowerPC is only supported 601

  • Grabine Binaries from the release page, obtaining SD card (or exi-Ide device)
  • Copy an NT 3.51 or 4.0 ISO to sd:\nt\disk00.iso
  • Create an image of the raw disk in size you want sd:\nt\disk00.img – I use qemu-img create disk00.img 2Gchange in size as appropriate. Remember that the maximum file size of a FAT32 partition is 4GB.
  • To a gamecube, load arcldr_dol.dol from Swiss; Wii / VWII, load arcldr from homebrew channel.
  • If you go to the ARC’s firmware menu, go Run firmware setupTHEN Repartition disk or disk image for NT installation.
  • Select the disk image you make earlier.
  • Confirm Partition Operation with Y (on keyboard), X Button (at GameCube Controller), OZ Button (at N64 Controller)
  • If you have finished, the advocate will request Press any key to restart. It should restart your system or return to loader where you can load arcldr AGAIN
  • shop Run NT setup from cd00.
    • You will receive the message Setup could not determine the type of computer you have.
    • shop Other (optional option), just pressing Enter (or a button) when asked for hardware support disk.
    • Select Ext from the list, now there is only one option: Nintendo GameCube, Wii and Wii U (vWii).
  • Next you will receive the message Setup could not determine the type of one or more mass storage drivers installed in your system. At least two drivers should be loaded at this point.
    • To load a driver, press S (X button to gamecube controller, Z button on N64 controller) to select a driver, choose Other from the list, press Enter (A button) when asked for hardware support disk, and select the driver.
      • Nintendo Wii SD Slot (via IOS) (Disk Images) Required when using the Front SD card slot in a Wii or Wii U
      • Nintendo Wii USB (via IOS) Required when using any USB device (keyboard, mouse or mass storage) in a Wii or Wii u
      • Nintendo GameCube Controller Ports Required when using devices targeted at Gamecube Controller Ports with a gamecube or Wii
      • SD Gecko or IDE-EXI and Compatible (Disk Images) required when using SD Gecko (or corresponding) or ide-exi (or compatible) gamecube memory slots with a gamecube or Wii, or serial ports that are under a gamecube
    • To make it more powerful: In a gamecube you only need the last two; In a wii u vwii you only need the first two, and in a Wii you need the first two and perhaps the last two depender in gamecube controller ports / no.
  • You will receive the message Setup could not determine the type of video adapter installed in the system. shop Other from the list, press Enter If asked for hardware support discount, and select the correct option depending on the OS you are installing.
    • There are two options on this list; ArtX Flipper, ATI Vegas, AMD Bollywood (NT 4) For NT 4, ArtX Flipper, ATI Vegas, AMD Bollywood (NT 3.x) for NT 3.51.
  • NT will boot and start the text setup. Cross the text setup.
  • low Setup has determined that your computer contains the following hardware and software componentsRenewal Keyboard FROM Unknown UNTO XT, AT or Enhanced Keyboard (83-104 keys) and Pointing Device FROM Unknown UNTO No Mouse or Other Pointing Device.
  • Select C: drive from the partition list. If you choose to create a NT partition on 2GB size or less, it must be formatted.
  • If you choose to create an NT partition over 2GB in size, errors can be found in the disk check process to require reboot. You need to boot back to Arc firmware from Swiss or homebrew channel and follow the steps “Install” again at this point.
    • On the second test, disk examinations succeed, so choose only C: Partition again to NT Text Setup Partiting Exponitor.
  • Continue the rest of the NT text and graphic setup normally.
  • The system can be hanged at times.
  • There are issues with some USB mass storage devices.
  • GDI driver used slow uniprated code for copying from GDI bitmap buffer to GPU Texture Buffer.
  • Arc firmware and NT drivers support exfat for disk images on an SD card / exi-Ide device, but the loader currently does not support the loading of arc firmware.
  • The loader at the moment does not support the Loading Arc firmware from a USB mass storage device.
  • Imagine that exi bus is slow as compared with other disk interfaces, so using SD Gecko / Exi-IDE causes slowdays. It is best known when installing NT in gamecube where it is available option.

You need devkitppc. In addition, a libgcc.a assembled for powerpcle should be in arcfw/gccle. If you have to find one, it should be in any vain mirror Linux, the current filename to search for 2024-07-12 cross-powerpcle-linux-gnu-0.34_1.x86_64.xbps – Decompress it by zstdcat cross-powerpcle-linux-gnu-0.34_1.x86_64.xbps -o cross-powerpcle-linux-gnu-0.34_1.x86_64.tarThen remove the file from tarball: usr/lib/gcc/powerpcle-linux-gnu/10.2/libgcc.a.

  • commit DEVKITPPC Environmental variable is set to your DevKitppc directory, usually /opt/devkitpro/devkitPPC
  • Building Arc Firmware Loader: cd arcldr ; make -f Makefile.wii ; make -f Makefile.gc ; cd ..
  • Building Little Libc of Endian: cd arcfw/baselibc ; make ; cd ../..
  • Building arc firmware itself: cd arcfw; make ; cd ..

You need to PPPC. In addition, PowerPC libs from NT4 DDK (ddk/lib/ppc/free/*.lib) should be in lib. The rest of the toolchain (VC6 PPC CE crast compile used for CPROctector for ASM, as GCC lines SPLITSYM.EXE From NT 3.51 DDK to divide symbols of Coff Debug from Executables) are at msvc-ppc directory.

To establish NT 3.5x GDI driver fpgx35dll You also need PowerPC winsrv.lib from the NT 3.51 DDK.

Headers attached and from different areas with fewer changes for working with this toolchain, or for the reasons for conforming:

  • nt4/sdk – NT4 SDK
  • nt4/ddk – NT4 DDK (including all headers from src/*/inc Directories)
  • nt4/crt – VC ++ 4.0 (CRT Headers)
  • nt4/hal – Due to the lack of a public dump, this folder includes headers with evidence suggesting they are attached to NT4 Halkit (minus nthal.h to be in the eg source folder, and modified to allow backwards return). Others have been changed to allow them to be included by drivers after ntddk.h (So ​​drivers can call HalDisplayString for debugging on purpose, or use LOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK To see if they are running on text setup or not).

Makers used are obtained from DevKitPro.

commit PEPPC The environmental variable is set to peppc-build/toolchain/bin directory.

You must build an eg first (cd halartx; make; cd ..) Before you can build other drivers, because Hall has executed the exported IOP IPC and exi driver (due to EX use it).

  • The use of libc baselibc
  • Elf loader, arcfw makefile (and some cache repair functions The Homebrew Channel
  • Other predators adapted from devkitpro
  • Some powerpcccccccccccccccccccccccccctions, and arch firmuffer console implementation and font from Libogc
  • Exi-Ide driver of arc loader adapted from bruise
  • IOS IPC Driver in Arc Firmware Homebrew channel reload stub
  • ISO9660 FS implementation within ARC firmware lib9660 with some changes.
  • FN FS enforcement within Arc firmware is Fatf with some changes; Plus the full bulge used for reading underlying disk images of FAT16 / FAT32 / Exfat Partitions (in Arc and within Iosssmc.sys and fpexiblk.sys)
  • GDI driver obtained from EDS Shating to NT4 DDK framebuf.
  • Different drivers are adapted to those in libogc.

2025-03-01 20:47:00

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