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‘We don’t have anything to lose’: The gazons reply to the Trump’s warn | Nuties Gaza

City of Gaza – For many in gaza, the President Docald Tocams the threatens they feel like nothing more than a justification for collectiveness and collective punishment against.

Late wednesday, Trump had threatened the people of Gaza, saying that they will be all the “dead” if the bad “if they have made up to be held.

The gaza goes on a wisdom with the devasters after the disploring, and destruction of masses, and to dive humanitary (people are of international international resources.

Al Jazeera talked to Palestinians in the north of the gaza on the threats of Trump.

“Nothing has left to sleep ‘

Al Jazeera talked to Palestinians in the north of the bags on the threats of Trump. 'Nothing left to sleep at Yasser al-sharafa, 59, in their campaign sold of vuls and snack (Abdelhakim Abuia (Al Jazeera)
Yasser al-sharafa, 59, zara pigoons songs and snacks in Remal, city of Central Gaza Central (Abdelhakim Abuu Abuuchi / Al Jazea)

Yasser al-sharafa, 59, say i igorious these threatens because, as many in Gaza, is nothing lost. “

Now, run a tune that sells candy and snacks to children.

First, said, “We are being a well known dressing. I had a big shop, and warehouse in Tel Al-Hawa City. All those years of hard work, destroyed in the war.

“Anywhere I seek is destruction, ruin, and poverty. Is there anything that is for us to pain?

“Trump or the one who makes no difference”.

Movied south during war, al-sharafa and his family turned to north after, the new to find a predicate fields where life is enough.

“Although we don’t weigh the things, nothing will change it. The war could go back in every moment under a new pretext. We have lost the entire world.”

‘Is it gaza the root of the world’s problems? ‘

Jamila Mahmoud, 62, rejecting Trump threats, considering folkic governors (Abdelhakim Abuia, Al Jazea)
Jamila Mahmoud, 62 refuses Trump’s threats, considering the psychological war (Abdelhakim Abu Riash / Al Jazeera)

Jamila Mahmoud, 62, do not intinguish the exact words, but some of their limbs discussed in Thursday morning.

“How to see, we’re fully cut out of everything. No internet, not electitude, in a way of communication”, said.

Mahmoud believes Trump’s threats are part of a psychological war intended to force gaza’s people.

“Each time, there is a new scenario – sometimes he talked about forceful, it is Israel that it’s caught in Gaza. And today, are cutting sizes of Gaza gaza for the captives.”

“Gaza is suddenly at the root of all the world’s problems?” she asked.

Mahmoud insists you don’t mind, never give up won’t give up on the right to live in the omilla.

“I’ll be on my land, even if it’s just the rubble of my house no matter what,” it’s affirmed.

‘No one is not about us

Ayman Abuayyeh, 60, Wanna Hamas to the hand for bad and finish war (Abdelhakim Abu Riash / Al Jazeera)
Ayman Abuayyeh, 60, Wanna Hamas to the hand for bad and finish war (Abdelhakim Abu Riash / Al Jazeera)

Ayman Abu Dayeeh, walking with a few food items for her family wishes “Hill to get a cap, negotiate proven legabilities can end up by the end of the time provided.”

“This is the rational option … our position is weak, and no one is close to us,” The 60 years old has added.

But he plays that hanging on the caathions don’t end up the war for Trump and Israel, he wants to do the future warching.

“I believe that American people will reject these threats. They don’t accept their country that brings another genocidal war”, Abu Day said.

“We’ve lost 50,000 people. The two kids have been amma in the October 20223 – two young. I lost my house, too. We had enough losses and suffering.”

“The Arabs sossip, and Europeans are silent. How can we continue to fight without supporters? We will be the only victim.”

‘Leave me alone’

Wael Abu, Ahmed, 75, from Sheikh Radwan in northern city of Gaza, said he was surprised by Trump’s threats.

“What we have left in Gaza? We have orrore witnesses in this war – have not done enough?” He asked, placed on a street curve.

“Trump statement don’t wear weight or value. I think he is only making menacing to the Hamas pressure. The only thing to do is to delete everything”, added.

Hern A rub laugh and the father of Five, now live with his young dog and the enemies in a single Audcer of his House Embroyed in the Israel War.

Had refused to evacuate the south and steady in the north of his family until they cease.

“I lived more years that I have left. I am in my house and said,” I’ll die here, no matter what. “

“Let me just. It makes the disaster that you’ll get it to you – or kill you and put them out of our misery. It’s all I have left to say:” It has concluded, walk.

2025-03-07 18:26:00

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