Software & Apps

We’re all a set of diseases of freaks.

We’re all a set of diseases of freaks.

I failed with this subreddit looking for tips on running a fundamental plex server, and Holy Shit, you guys are crazy. Instead of finding normal people, I found complete psychos debate with ZFS configurations such as discussing good wine. “Ah yes, this Raidz2 has a subtle data integrity notes.” All of you are a bunch of vitamin D lacking freaks.

I work in fact and manages many kuberbenes, critical mission infrastructure that is important. I spent my whole day working with the underlined applications, and what did I find in reddit loading? Ansible PlayBook writing maniacs trying to automate their lights lights. We’re all a set of sick freaks that may dream of YAML and wake up cold sweats that wonder if you have forgotten the cron job

The worst part is how well you care about each other. “Hey guys, my basic home setup is just finished”, and then you post a system diagram like a blueprint for a nuclear reactor. Fourteen docker vessels just to handle a suite of ‘internet on things connected to shitware. You celebrate each other sweeps the madness of vomiting vomiting comments like “Nice setup! Do you consider adding prometheus monitoring?” We’re all a set of sick freaks, you hurt me.

And the money you need spaff … no matter how convincing yourself that spending thousands of enterprise server equipment from 2012 is justified 10x costs. And then you are referring to it as “your little setup”. “Ohini? My double mirror only attacks 10 Triple Redundant Ups and my electricity collection. You know your collection is likely to generate one’s own electricity. All you are a bunch With diseases freaks, and you need help.

I think imagining what your household is, I laugh at your families, who need to sit at lunch to listen to the Cloudflase. I bet your kids start to cry when you mention DNS-over-https. Your wife just looks at you now, especially since you have replaced all your family photos with grafes dashboards.

I imagined boiling when the girls you made promise ask “why we won’t go back to photo upgrading now to your third photoprism upgrade this week. ‘Impressive’ (97% lol) time statistics and backup offsite. We’re all a bunch of diseases freaks, and your loved ones have lost hope.

No, you don’t need kuberetes or 10gig network switches or 7u racks. You don’t need any of these increased abstract layers of complexity that exists only to solve the problems your past solutions are made. Your simple file server does not require vessels, vessels do not require orchestra, which orchestra does not require a service certificate, which is another tarts in the end of the end. But I know you’ll keep adding more, because you’re all just a set of diseases of freaks.

Credit: U / No-Raccoon-1993

2025-02-16 23:59:00

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