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What is the duration of the key fee and how to calculate it?

The length of the key rate measuring a sensitivity of a bond in return rate to the specific maturity points on the poor curve. I am Unlike traditional trial movements of the traditional rate, that has assumed the duration of interest in the isolated isolated rate changes to the schedule of a bond price. This metric is particularly useful for exposure of evaluation at the rate of interest rate when current shifts are irregular.

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Unlike traditional Duration Carerics, assume a uniform interest rate, duration of the isolatic inso fee, which permits investors to analyze the security in some parts of food. This distinction is especially useful when evaluates fearfully with the options of the hoos hypjects and the footwear, which the interer of the maturity does not affect all maturities equally.

The length of the key rate is particularly relevant to understanding of the impact of non-parallel, such as flattening or reflecting tendencies. For example, if short-time rates at long time stood and measurements of traditional duration may fake the real impact on a bond price.

By centers individual key, investors and Financial advisors can refine restore risk assessments, making more informed decisions about the bond selection, the strategies of cover and portfolio

The length duration is calculated by applying small changes to individual points on the performance curve and measuring the resulting change in a bond price. The formation follows the course of null-lasting (isolate the impact of a fare change in a specific maturity:

Varizia chjave = (P- – P +) ÷ (2 × 0,01 × × p0)

  • P-: The Bond Price after a descending fee change to the selected maturity point.

  • P +: The Bond Price after a change in the rate in the same maturity point.

  • P0: The original Bond price before any fee changes.

Repeat this process for many maturity provides a detailed view of as different the performance curve renders the price of the Bond. This method allows fixed income investors to assess the resale risk of interest with a larger accuracy.

A woman and man look on the data on a laptop while they were together on a couch.
A woman and man look on the data on a laptop while they were together on a couch.

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Think of a 10-year-old server for $ 1,000 with a yield of 3%. Suppose five-year-old key rate grows from 25 Basic points While all the other fees remain useless. If this bond price for leaving the $ 990, and a decline of 25 bacche-Max-point to $ 1,010, the rate of the five-year-wheel is duration

2025-02-21 21:10:00

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