Cryptocurrency & Blockchain

When will Bitcoin (BTC) Hashrate reach 1 Zettahash?

Bitcoin (BTC) hashrate, the computational energy required to mine a block in a proof-of-concept blockchain reaches 1 zettaash per second. next bisection event in about 3.5 years, pressuring miners to secure cheaper electricity contracts and more efficient equipment.

The average hashrate may reach 1000 exahashes per second (EH/s) by 2027, even if it grows at a rate of 20% per year. According to Glassnode data, it has grown by an average of 65% per year since 2020 and is currently around 787 EH/s on a seven-day moving average basis.

Hashrate is an important component of the profitability of Bitcoin miners. The higher the hashrate, the higher the energy costs, so optimizing business operations is critical for miners. It also sports a 56% increase in network security over the past year.

The growth rate then accelerated in the second half of 2024 Half of Aprilwhen block rewards drop by 50% to 450 BTC per day, reducing the profits miners receive. The squeeze became so severe that some miners couldn’t make a living mining bitcoins. They had to turn some of their operations artificial intelligence (AI) computing and some have refused to buy bitcoins on the open market.

1 ZH/s miners will have to find more creative ways to stay afloat and adapt to a challenging market.

BTC: 1 Year Hashrate Percentage Change (Glassnode)

BTC: 1 Year Hashrate Percentage Change (Glassnode)

In fact, the hashrate may already be there 1 ZH/s hit for one block, according to a statement on X on Thursday. Reading from a single block is imprecise due to the probabilistic nature of mining, block time variability, and short-term network fluctuations. The industry standard is usually at least a seven-day average to account for deviations and reliability.

It’s not just the hashrate, but also the difficulty of mining a block. Since October, the blockchain has seen seven consecutive positive challenge adjustments at 109.78 trillion (T). The difficulty adjusts every 2016 blocks and recalibrates the blocks to be mined on a 10-minute basis. The market has last seen seven consecutive positive corrections China has banned mining in 2021when the hashrate drops by 50%.

This time, however, hashrate and difficulty are moving in tandem.

BTC: difficulty adjustment percentage change (Glassnode)

BTC: difficulty setting percentage change (Glassnode)

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