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Which Android brand is the next place with the free twins advanced subscription? (APK tears)

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Rushil Agrawal / Android Organization

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  • The Gemini subscription costs $ 20 per month and opens the strongest features of the AI ​​Assistant.
  • Google and Samsung flagship phones offer advanced subscription offers for free twins.
  • The free twins can also be an advanced subscription to the Xiaomi phone.

Google has increased deficiency of his hand You have the assistant of your twinsBut some more advanced features of the twins are still sitting behind a paywall that requires Gemini advanced subscription It costs $ 20 this month. To seduce users, Google closes free subscribers with limited time with selectionship smartphones. Pixel 9 series and Samsung’s Galaxy S25 series also comes with the free twelve-month-twelve-month free twins. Now you can join another brand.

You’re reading Authorized concepts Story Android Authority. Reveal Authorized concepts You will not find more exclusive reports, applied tears, leaks and deep technological coating.

One APK tear cast In the future, the work experience helps predict the features that can come to a service based on the code. However, it is possible that such projected features are not released to the public.

We have encountered Xiaomi’s Gems and Pixel devices, along with the available offers of Samsung and pixel devices, while darkening with the available SAMSUNG and Pixel devices on Android. Although the special Xiaomi device is not saved, the term will be opened in the launch event on March 2, 15 Ultra 15 Ultra, which shows that the package can be anything to accept the opening subscription.

Xiaomi, List of Twins

Motosbedebug / Android Authority

Free twins for Xiaomi devices is the unknown not to be an Advanced offer. However, if past trends are any sign, a six-month subscription appears as a suitable guess. If the package extends a full year, the savings would be saved for $ 120 or potentially $ 240.

Google’s flag phones make sense of advanced bundling bundling strategy. By company Handing Google assistant in favor of the GeminiOf course, Google is clear that more users want the user to live in full force. By offering a free trial, the company may hope that users can opt for twins and will be able to subscribe to subscribe after completion of the free period.

On the flip side, prize phone recipients also benefit from this deal. Getting a service for a $ 20 / month without extra cost adds more value to their flagship purchase. If xiaomi really joins this program, it can make the upcoming flagship a more compelling choice for buyers.

Xiaomi’s March 2 in the corner, Xiaomi 15 Ultra will not be a long time before we can come to the future with an advanced twins with a free gemini and if we do not have long before us to be before our official approval.

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