Ask for a board: Put $ 300 in my 457 (b) any payment and have an extra $ 1,000 per month after paying my car. Should I save or invest the money?
I am 54, retired military and get $ 1,500 per month after medical deductions. I also have a 457 account (B) for my current government job and I’ve got $ 300 in him any payment. I pay $ 1,000 to the month toward my car but it is to be paid. I am about to increase my 457 (B) Contribution to Payday, but I wonder if I owe me some money in a high-performance savings account or anger?
– John
Congratulations to pay your car! Also, well for you to deliberately think about what you are going to do with the money that is released each month.
Your next move depends on multiple factors, you should think about if you need money: In the term close or years in the future? (If you have additional questions about your financial plan, This device can help meet with potential advice.It)
What is your purpose for money?
You can already have a financial plan in place. If not, take some time to define your goals and priory. Starting to make sure you have sufficient emergency fund, and then down the line from here. The goal parameter is a critical step because of backup money in the High performing savings account They have a different purpose of the back of money in the 457 (b) o IRA. I am
Short term objectives vs. long-term goals
Ask for a board: Put $ 300 in my 457 (b) any payment and have an extra $ 1,000 per month after paying my car. Should I save or invest the money?
If you need the money in the near future, laying in a high-saving savings account is the best option. Now, those who pay in the neighborhood of 4-5%. I am While a steady return, is only online with current inflation So really not a good choice for the long-term savings.
Place the money in a retirement account provides tax advantages such as investment options, volane to help you save for your golden years. Those would be a better option for your long-term money.
So Hash out your goals and assign money as a result. Be sure to consider your attitude toward the risk of investment. High performance savings are a conservative option. The investment options available in retirement accounts include the most aggressive choices. (And if you need help pick up investments that are aligned with your short and long financial purposes, consider working with a financial advisor.It)
457 (b) vs. IRA
Ask for a board: Put $ 300 in my 457 (b) any payment and have an extra $ 1,000 per month after paying my car. Should I save or invest the money?
How to refer to your retirement goals, you will have to make some assessment. Make sure you are on track to hit your savings target. Save $ 300 for the payment period can be enough to fund your way of retirement, but cannot be. It all depends on your specific situation and goals, including:
How much did you have already saved
When you plan to stop working
How much will we get back from your savings when you retire
There are too much detail to cover all here. Talk to a Financial planner or take some time for searching as much as you need and yes or no track to arrive.
If you decide to save more toward retirement, consider the differences between 457 (b) and anger accounts. Both offer tax advantages. I am They both allow to invest your contributions for which one is not necessarily better than the other. Out of the simple convention of you already have the account can be sense to increase your 457 contribution (b), less you have a specific reason to open an anger. For example, that could be the case if a Roth account he sense for you and your plan 457 (b) does not have a roth option. (And if you need more help to decide between save in an irura or 457 (b), Think to work with a financial advisor).
Here’s a few notice details to keep in mind:
Be sure to get the entire match before you decide to save in an IRA.
You can withdraw from 457 (b) at any age and avoid the 10% pricing penalty penalties As long as it doesn’t work for that employer. This may be particularly important if you plan to retire before returning 59 ½.
Bottom line
In definitinate, all you decide to do with it the money you will be safe once your car is paid to move closer to get your goals. If you have financial purposes at a short time, deviate the money to a high-saving savings account can be better. If you have more focused on the financial goals in the long-term finanches, considering save the money in your 457 (b) or open an ira.
Tips to find a financial advisor
Find a financial advisor should not be hard. Free Tool of Smartasset Recommend with the three financial advisors that serve your area, and you can interview your counselor meet in no cost to decide who is right for you. If you are ready to find a counselor you can help you achieve your financial goals, You start right now.
Consider a bit of advisors before setting up on one. It is important to make sure you find someone you trust to handle your money. As considering your options, These are the questions you should ask A board to ensure you make the right choice.
Maintain an emergency fund in the event in case it runs in unexpected expenses. An emergency fund must be liquid – in an account that is not at the risk of significant fluctuation as the stock market. The trade is that liquid cash value can be eroded by inflation. But an account of the high interest lows you to earn the compound interest. Compare savings accounts from these banks. I am
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Brandon Renfro, CFP®, it’s a financial plains Plastering Plush the plannification ofeping plannification and answer reader’s passes which would answer outdoor Have a question you’d like to answer? Email and your question can be answered in a future column.
Please are Brandon is not participating in the Smartasset Amp deck, it is not a smartasset employee, and has been compensated for this item.