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You should instantly update your NetGear Router

Netgear recommends that you update your router. The company has solved two critical security issues that affect several Wi-Fi 6 entry points and Nighthawk Pro game routers. At the beginning of this week, the security updates left for both weaknesses.

Several nights Wi-Fi routers An unconditional remote code execution affected by security vulnerability. In this security issue, the aggressive router can perform a harmful code with unauthorized permission. The general sensitivity goal system is a formula that calculates how serious security problems are in the calculation systems. Netgear hit the issue of RCE, which has not been approved by 10 to 9.8 or “Critical”.

These are three routers determined by the NetGear with sensitivity:

Other affected devices are typically wireless access points used in large buildings where the office or single redirect is inadequate. This was a validity weakness of a security vulnerability that allows hackers to complete the approval process for completely affected devices.

These are wireless access points with sensitivity:

How to provide your device

If you use one of the above devices above, you should download the latest program as soon as possible. You will find detailed instructions on NetGear support pages for affected routers and Wireless access points.

Step-by-step instructions from NetGear are:

  1. Go to the basis Neutrear support Page. Page.
  2. Type your model number in the search box, then select your model from the drop-down menu. The model number is the end of the numbers and letters at the end of your router name, ie “XR1000”.
  3. Click Loads in the upper part.
  4. Bottom Current versionsSelect the latest download with the title starting The firmware version.
  5. Click Download.
  6. Follow the instructions on your product’s user manual, firmware release notes or product support page to install new software.

These steps can guide you on a route aimed at getting back to your user’s instruction to understand how your firmware is updating. To find the user instruction, go your model number in the search box and tap Documentation Button on the product page.

Netgear-firmware-update instructions


NetGear did not respond immediately to CNET’s request for comment.

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